
We're More Than Half-Way Complete!


We have shaken hands with several indie artist/crafters/designers who have the same heart and spirit about their work and the vision of their work as I do with mine. . .and that's to celebrate children one child at a time!

In just a few days, our website will be ready for shopping! It has a simple look and feel that was meant to jumpstart the children's clothing line and to force me as a small, independent business woman out of my "safe zone". It has directed me to take a leap of faith, to believe in my mission statement, and to continue in the humanitarian aid of orphans in Ethiopia as well as the widows locally and internationally.

In the meantime, here's a
sneak peak at what we're working on. We still need photos of our beautiful handmade, one-of-a-kind treasures. We are also looking for other indie artisians/crafters/designers who want to either donate items to sell (with the proceeds going to humanitarian aid) or to sell their merchandise on a kukulu-rack. If this is YOU or you know an indie who's heart centers around children connect with us with an e-mail: subject heading Indie-Artist.

Thanks for checking in! Thanks little blue chicky bird where ever you are!

Keeping It Together . . .


Getting the boutique together, merchandise, method of payment, accounting, bookkeeping, city tax codes --- who knew it took more then just setting up a blog site! But, we are keeping our cool and keeping it together (sigh-----).

Oh little blue chicky bird, can you help save me?

So today is Friday ---- Where Are You????


In the words of the Whos in Whoville: We are here-We Are Here-WE ARE HERE!!!!

We're still putting our merchandise on the e-shelves, e-racks and in the e-window display sortof speaking --- Who knew opening an online store and blogsite would be this much work (especially when you want it done right and legal). In the words of a famous philisopher, (my dad-hehehe), if you want something done right, do it yourself...well, that can take up a lot of your time also.

Please check back with us.

kukulu*peekaboo does exist...just ask that little blue chicky bird that's dancing over there!


Opening Soon!


Welcome to kukulupeekaboo!

This is what you get when West Coast America (California) connects with East Coast Africa (Ethiopia) and the two play with fashion and gear for children!!!

Coming Soon!

Oh, look at that little blue chicky bird over there!